
Application examples


Our application scenarios present technical solutions for process engineering. In them we describe the respective profile of requirements and the valves, measurement and control systems employed. You can filter the customer references listed (and others) according to sector/application and/or product group.

Product group
Surface finishing for steel screws

In order to protect steel screws, nuts, washers and nails, surfaces are finished using electroplating. This process consists of three process stages (pre-treatment, metal separation and post-treatment) and takes approx.

Surface finishing
Diaphragm valves, Solenoid valves
Multi-port valve blocks: Continuous disinfection of cooling lubricants and cutting fluid

In the metalworking industry, cooling lubricants and cutting fluids are essential for machining processes to avoid any change in the structure of the tools and materials.

Mechanical engineering and processing industries
Diaphragm valves
Ultrasonic cleaning

High-grade cleaning plays an important role in the care and maintenance of tool moulds, which are typically used for rubber and plastic formed part production.

Mechanical engineering and processing industries
Diaphragm valves, Ball valves, Flowmeter
Fabrication of metallic microcomponents by electroforming

The complex geometry of microcomponents, which for example are used in a clock movement in the form of gears or escape wheels, can no longer be obtained without burring using standard mechanical processes.

Microelectronics and semiconductor industries
Diaphragm valves, Ball valves, Flowmeter
Laboratory and technical mixers

In the development of pharmaceutical, chemical and cosmetic products it is important that pilot plant processes operate as close as possible to the original plant to enable their later application in the actual produc...

Pharmaceutical, biotechnology and cosmetics industries
Diaphragm valves